This was something that I wanted to do for a long time. As I’m the queen of procrastination it never happened. Finally, as a task of Rethink Foundation’s WIT program, I’m doing it. First thing is what you are reading, writing a TWTW and second one was creating a portfolio(
Post the flood relief activities I was really high with energy. Even though it was something terrific, you need something like that so high in magnitude to unite people and see humanity all around us. And I haven’t done any coding or more correctly to say, haven’t touched my laptop for the last 2 weeks. I thought I’ll start everything fresh from tomorrow. Accidentally my fingers touched the Gmail icon on my phone . I vigorously pressed the back button as I was sure that there won’t be any mail since I haven’t seen any notification.
But three surprises did wait for me. The first one was from Arya Murali, congratulating for getting selected for the cohort 1 WIT programme (Literally I opened my mouth wide as I was pretty sure I messed up the interview with her:) ). Then I saw a second mail from Rethink Foundation, an invite for SHEROES summit. Wow! That’s it? NO. More was in store. I saw a mail from google. I thought it was some random ads that I usually receive or some newsletter. I was feeling very sleepy and thought not to open it. But some urge made me open it. It started with “HI Anusree”. Oh, have they started to send customized mail with first name😂? I reluctantly read the first line.
This time I didn’t open my mouth wide because I hadn’t closed it seeing the past two mails.I have to confirm the time slot. If I had chose not to open the mail I would never have attended that telephonic interview because the interview confirmation’s deadline was just an hour away.
The next few days went in with preparation for the interview. And for this to I have to thank Arya Murali . She took the pain to bring other students who got the interview call from Womentechmaker Wtm and connected us with past scholars like Ayushi Mrigen and Sukriti Paul. I’m really grateful to them as they have explained in great detail how the interview would be. I charged my mobile to 100%(that’s such a rare thing in my case), waited in front of the mobile for the call and I started worrying about every silly things , right from my sound.As the tension grew , for a moment I thought “I shouldn’t have done this!”. But I put together myself and survived the 30 minutes interview.
Finally it was Saturday… I boarded the train to trivandrum at 1 am to attend the SHEROES summit. I didn’t know what to expect. But it indeed was an awesome journey through facts, figures, yoga, vibrations, poetry , music, dance and much more. The conversation with Sairee Chahal was a delight and I’m looking forward to opportunities to collaborate with their team. Music with a cause , that was The Sufi gospel program. In fact I hadn’t heard such a soulful music before that. That enchanting voice of Sonam Kalra still resonates in my ear.
Hope I find TWTW a motivation to learn a lot more in the coming week.